Monday, June 24, 2013

Q R codes in the Library

Hi and welcome to the Library.

So far this year we have;
  • updated our desktop computers to iMacs
  • moved the fiction shelves onto movable shelving
  • placed the graphic novels and comics to the display shelves
  • purchased some iPads for use in the Library
  • bought a Kobo e-reader for trial use
Look around the Library and see if you can spot a QR code   to scan
I would love to know what you think of all these changes so come in and have a look.

Mrs MacCue

Monday, September 10, 2012

Introduction to Coodanup Community College Careers Centre


WHAT:  The Careers Centre is all about helping our students get the right information and if  possible experience in their chosen career.

WHERE: We are located next to the school canteen.

WHO: Pam Micklewright is the colleges VET Coordinator; looking after School Based Traineeships, VET and TAFE courses and is available to give advice and guidance towards the students’ career planning.

Michelle helps with the tracking and monitoring of the students’ progress and is responsible for uploading their courses, leading to their eventual certificates.

Tamara looks after Work Experience and Work Place Learning.

WHY: It is important for our students to make the right subject choices and be aware of the grades they need to follow their chosen career pathway.

Throughout the year the college hosts different career pathway planning events:

Individual Pathway Plan (IPP)

  • Each student completes an Individual Pathway Plan which often identifies important characteristics about the student, for example their strengths and weaknesses, and is used to form the basis for future career planning. This process gives our careers staff an overview of what the student is interested in and helps with the overall planning for the student. This is reviewed every 6 months. 
Year 10 subject selection for Year 11 (towards the end of Term 2, each year)

  • Year 10’s and their parents meet in the Library with our Careers staff and Senior teachers to discuss their subject choices for Year 11.


  • Students in years 10, 11 & 12 may have the opportunity to attend careers excursions, usually held in the Perth Convention Centre.

Speed Careering Day

  • The school hosts a “Speed Careering Day”, where local business, industry and mining groups visit the school and advise students of the requirements needed to enter the workforce.
Students can access a computer and printer to apply for positions on line and update and print out their Resume’s.

Pam Micklewright
VET Coordinator

Student Work Station

Career Information Stand in our Library





School Based Apprenticeships 2013
Year 11 & 12 Students 

Certificate III in Commercial Cookery

School Based Apprenticeships enable students in Years 11 & 12 to start an apprenticeship whilst still at school.  Students develop skills and get paid while getting ready for a career in the workforce, as well as working towards secondary graduation and industry recognised qualifications.  Both off-the-job and on-the-job training, parts of the school based apprenticeships are completed during school hours, however work times may be extended to accommodate the workplace.  WORKPLACE 1 day, TAFE 1 day, SCHOOL, 3 days.


If interested please come and see Pam or Michelle in the Careers Office next to the canteen


Thursday, August 9, 2012

WAMSE testing

This week our Year 9 students were involved in WAMSE testing.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Coodanup Community College


Celebration Day


  • Come and see your student's work in a friendly, relaxing environment.

  • Select classes will be open for you to see and perhaps participate in.
  • Food and drinks will be available to students from the canteen.
 Parents can seek refreshments for a gold coin donation from the library and take a  look at some intesting technology at the same time (proceeds going to this years ball). 

Read more »

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sea creature art display in library

Look at Ms Sheridans student art  in display in our library.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Charcoal Art display in the Library

Teacher: Miss Noakes
Students: Year 9's

These drawings were completed by the Year 9 Art classes. They are observed studies of Banksia's and they have been rendered in charcoal.
Students were required to focus on the tone (shading) to acheive a realistic sense of form.